
Out of Class assignment- Corporate Responsibility

Out of class assignment Blog Post 11/26/19 1.      Corporate reputation is very important to companies as well as consumers. As years go on these corporations are starting to see the real benefit of having a strong corporate reputation. The idea of having your brand or company come to mind when thinking about a certain product or lines or services is crucial in the brand strategy and for a strong passion in the market for years down the line. With that having a well-known brand also helps within crisis management. People will already like the company and if the company responses well to crises it can impact the brand even more to build trust and loyalty.   Following that, having a strong reputation can lead to more successful product or service launches in the future, making people want to buy your product or other brand launces. All of these are just a few that was stated in the reading for having a good corporate reputation. The brand...

Reaching Diverse Audiences- In class activity

1.      The short video we watched America by the Numbers was based on reaching diverse audiences with several main points to prove their argument. The essence of the video was to bring awareness of the changing faces of America and how we are transforming into a new America that values different races and ethnicity’s rather than just white middle class. We are in an era with ads that are reaching others such as LGBTQ, Hispanic, African American, Latino, along with others, creating a demographic shift. With info graphics, reporting, stat analysis and deep story telling they investigated these interesting changing dynamics that has changed the way we see ads in our culture. They point out how diversity is good for business and to look and know where growth is coming from is important. These are relevant issues because the population of Latinos are growing by 167% in our world now one in five millennials are Latinos. This is good to know going forwar...

Public Relations Assumptions Video Assignment

1. Based off the video, pop culture portrayed public relations as in always talking to the media. Weather that was on TV, through radio or going up to someone personally and talking with them. Many of the scenes showed people schmoozing people to win them over in a very annoying way. I saw this in more than one scenes of the whole video. This puts off the wrong message to PR individuals making them seem like they are sucking up and rubbing elbows with valuable players in an industry, to get what they want.  In one of the scenes, characters were at a cocktail party. Portraying that PR is fluffy and light in a way; thats how I took it at least, portraying that it is not hard work and just looking good and attending parties is what it is all about. I feel like for entertainment purposes they have shaped the way people see PR to make it more fun and exciting to watch. When a man or woman is lying on a TV trying not to create bad PR or when they are yelling at the press or portraying...

Public Relations Definitions !

Defintion #1: " Public relations is the practice of deliberately managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment" Defintion #2:  The profession or practice of creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization's various publics (customers, employees, investors, suppliers, etc.), usually through publicity and other nonpaid forms of communication. These efforts may also include support of arts, charitable causes, education, sporting events, and other civic engagements.   Useful Public Relations Websites: https://www.p...