Reaching Diverse Audiences- In class activity

1.     The short video we watched America by the Numbers was based on reaching diverse audiences with several main points to prove their argument. The essence of the video was to bring awareness of the changing faces of America and how we are transforming into a new America that values different races and ethnicity’s rather than just white middle class. We are in an era with ads that are reaching others such as LGBTQ, Hispanic, African American, Latino, along with others, creating a demographic shift. With info graphics, reporting, stat analysis and deep story telling they investigated these interesting changing dynamics that has changed the way we see ads in our culture. They point out how diversity is good for business and to look and know where growth is coming from is important. These are relevant issues because the population of Latinos are growing by 167% in our world now one in five millennials are Latinos. This is good to know going forward in advertising to see growth. They showed these multiple times in the film in how all of this is changing contemporary life, elections, and overall culture.

2.     It is stated that Hispanic woman who are millennials will be on several social media outlets like Instagram some Twitter but mostly Facebook. It says they are very family oriented and Facebook allows them to connect with their loved one’s thousands of miles away which is important to know. It is researched that 73% of them use Facebook. Also Youtube is a good outlet for this demographic and they say 75% Hispanics are involved with this social media platform. With others in-between these are he most popular to reach this demographic.

 This is an Airbnb ad campaign that focuses’ in on all diverse groups. Nonmatter who you are, where you come, or where you travel, Airbnb will always have a place for you and that you belong in their community. And that to be in the community must accept everyone. This is a great example of a diverse ad campaign that reached several people of all types
