Public Relations Assumptions Video Assignment

1. Based off the video, pop culture portrayed public relations as in always talking to the media. Weather that was on TV, through radio or going up to someone personally and talking with them. Many of the scenes showed people schmoozing people to win them over in a very annoying way. I saw this in more than one scenes of the whole video. This puts off the wrong message to PR individuals making them seem like they are sucking up and rubbing elbows with valuable players in an industry, to get what they want.  In one of the scenes, characters were at a cocktail party. Portraying that PR is fluffy and light in a way; thats how I took it at least, portraying that it is not hard work and just looking good and attending parties is what it is all about. I feel like for entertainment purposes they have shaped the way people see PR to make it more fun and exciting to watch. When a man or woman is lying on a TV trying not to create bad PR or when they are yelling at the press or portraying  hat it is a luxuries life style of designer things and fancy parties is jut to get views and has changed the way society now thinks of PR people. Taking away that stigma is going to be hard if pop culture keeps up with how they are envisioning PR.

2. I think the only ways to change the perception of PR is to keep doing everything right, with no mistakes. For example a firm should not lie. I think that is a big misunderstanding about PR because firms have done it in the past to "spin" bad news to make it better for business. If companies are up front and don't  it will show society that not all PR is lies and are not  just trying to make themselves look good.  It may take awhile until PR people are not considered "spin doctors" or "party planners" but always staying ethical, working hard for a firm and doing everything right that is not a stereotype I believe will help slowly evolve the perception of PR. I mean its 2019, were doing better than when Sex and the City came out which had so man stereotypes about PR. I do think though that to change the perception everyone has to be on the same page, including producers of the entertainment outlets who are brainwashing viewers with the stereotypes which have been going on for years.
